

Vice General Manager: Zhu Xiaoxing


Mr. Zhu Xiaoxing, aged 51, a vice general manager of the Company, graduated from Jilin University majoring in computer software and was awarded an Executive Master degree of Business Administration (EMBA) by Tsinghua University. Mr. Zhu has nearly 30 years of experience in management and technical support in China’s civil aviation industry. Mr. Zhu held positions including Division Head of the System Division, the Deputy Head and Head of the Operation Department and Head of the Customer Service Department of China Civil Aviation Computer Information Center, the predecessor of China TravelSky Holding Company (one of the promoters of the Company), from August 1987 to October 2000. From October 2000 to August 2004, Mr. Zhu was successively the General Manager of the Operation Department, the Customer Service Department and the Technical Management Department of the Company. From August 2004 to August 2008, Mr. Zhu served as the General Manager of the Company. From October 2004 to March 2009, he served as an executive director of the Company. Mr. Zhu has been a vice general manager of the Company since August 2008.

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